I had to take a break from the blog for a little bit after the election and the results. I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me. On top of that, I feel like I was just shoved back in the closet. There are so many unknowns right now and I am honestly still struggling to deal with that. I have so many questions and concerns and don’t really know which direction to go right now. One thing that I do know though, is that I am not alone in this. I know there’s a nation divided, one side is happy, and the other side is wondering what in the hell just happened. I am obviously in the what the hell just happened category. I am really shocked by the outcome. I guess I was living in some type of fantasy world thinking that there were more good people in the US and that this wouldn’t happen.
What do we do now? I have no idea yet. So right now, I am taking it a day at a time and seeing what happens. Some days it is easier than others. I’m scared, not only for myself but for my family, a ton of my friends, and honestly everyone. I think that some people just got played and don’t realize what they voted for, and they are going to get blindsided soon. All of the unknowns right now, is what makes it difficult to figure out what to do. So, I find myself coming up with 20 different plans. Ok, if this happens, I will do this. If this happens, I will do that. Oh, shit is hitting the fan, ok, I will do this then.
I know a lot of people are feeling emotions like this and more. This is just a small percentage of what is going on in my head. Just know that I see you, I feel you, and I am here for you. I have no idea what to do at this moment and have no one size fits all answer. But I am here, if you need to talk or anything, please reach out to me or someone else. For now, we have to keep leading with love and light. Till next time.